Travel Meta Search Engine

Get the top-notch solution to develop the Meta Search Engine and make a unique comparison website for customers to compare the price between different providers at the portal.

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Travel Meta Search Engine

Meta Search Engine is something where people can compared the prices of Hotel, Flight, and Car offered by different service providers. This increases the traffic at a travel portal. The more filter for comparison you provide, the more users will come to your website and book your services. This will let you generate outstanding commission by actual service providers.

Travel Meta search engines are specifically dedicated to display travel products, pricing, and information. They influence the marketplace for online travel shopping and booking. Big online companies including, Expedia, TripAdvisor, and Google have invested extensively in travel metasearch as publishers. The investment is done to create strategic alignments and to increase the advertising revenues like pay-per-click advertising which is a key revenue driver for most metasearch sites. From an advertiser's point of view, travel suppliers consider Meta search as a more cost-effective and efficient way to drive potential bookers directly to their own websites. Thus, they're developing strategies to leverage this evolving channel.

Dotsquares Technologies Meta Search Manager is the solution to facilitate and manage Meta search connections. Plus, it also optimizes the marketing opportunities. Dotsquares solutions not only quickly connects GDS data and content with metasearch engines, but also allows the supplier to manage, analyze, and optimize the campaign. Meta search websites are complex systems aiming to gather information about hotel rates, flight deals etc. from the multiple travel websites, OTAs, GDS and other sources. Nowadays, meta-search engines are quick and dependable travel technology solutions that allow price assessment and provide instant information on availability of rooms, flights etc.

A company who deals in travel business always looks for cost-efficiency. Dotsquares is the right place for seeking website development services because it provides high-quality solutions at affordable prices. The disadvantage of having a Meta search website is a company don’t require to integrate the payment gateway as the website only shows the prices from different service providers. And, once a user will click on “book now” button, he/she will be redirected to the actual provider’s page for the booking. On every successful booking made by the user’s company, the Meta search website will be paid commission as per the provider’s structure.

How does Meta search Work for Travel Solutions?

In terms of the travel industry, a metasearch engine is used to compare Online Travel Agencies or OTAs. Meta search engines like TripAdvisor and Expedia make money by the fee paid to them by the OTAs. Let’s assume that an online trip planner booked a certain OTA through TripAdvisor. This will result in payment to TripAdvisor by the OTA that was booked.

Users input queries based on their requirements in these travel Meta search engines. Results will be provided filtered according to rates, the length of the trip, location, check in date, etc.

In other cases, a Meta search engine may also be paid by an hotelier to promote their brand. Dotsquares can work with each of these metasearch engines to manage ongoing promotion of your hotel brand.

Typical Travel Meta Features

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Our Work Process

Delivering the Best Travel Technology Solutions
  • Design

    (Captivating and appealing designs for Travel Businesses & Companies worldwide.)
  • Development

    (highest quality and responsive design and development within the budget.)
  • Integration

    (Third party systems like travel suppliers, payment gateways etc...)
  • Testing

    (Software testing services to help enterprises in the travel industry.)
  • Deployment

    (Customized and rich quality development services under tightest deadlines.)